Monday, January 24, 2005

Viva Las Gaygas

So... I'm back from a week in Las Vegas, Nevada! It was FANTASTIC. Vegas is the most wonderfully eclectic, sinfully tacky place in the whole world. Where else could you see Saint Mark's Square, the Eiffel tower, a pyramid, a volcano and Medieval England all in one day?

Going to Vegas is an assault on all your senses. What with the jet lag aswell, I spent most of my time feeling halfway between sleep and waking. You find yourself thinking 'Did I really sing karaoke in a cab last night or did I dream it?' ('Cab-e-oke' apparently). Perhaps the funniest moment happened even before I got there; I had a migraine on the plane and they gave me oxygen from a tank and everyone said I looked like Mr Burns. What a compliment...

Anywho, the highlight of my trip was that my boyfriend proposed to me at the top of the Eiffel tower. How cool is that? And it gets extra points for being a fake Eiffel Tower - much more classy than that silly thing in Paris. So, not quite an Elvis wedding, but the next best thing.


I'm Over The Moon said...

Can we take it you said yes? Congratulations to both of you if you did, pints for getting asked anyway if you said no! Celine/x

meg said...

Yes, I said yes. Sorry.

I hope he knows I said yes...