Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A truth universally acknowleged

I have finally found some kind of justification for marrying a boy! After a weekend listening to Star Wars on the Playstation interspersed with vauge twangings on his electric guitar (and no, that's not a euphemism for something), I finally persuaded him to sit down and watch an episode of the 1995 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. It had never occured to me that he hadn't already seen it. I've always assumed that anyone with a pulse has not only read P&P but also watched the BBC version and secretly coveted a corset and bonnet.

He didn't get off to a good start by pointing at Mr Collins and saying "is that Darcy?" but once we got into the swing of things and I'd explained that the plot was the same as Bridget Jones (Austen clearly guilty of plagurism there), he actually seemed to enjoy it. Yesterday I watched a documentary about why people love the novel so much and there was a clip of their first dance at the Netherfield Ball. I actually overheard my husband say "oh, I love that bit!" and then look around him confused muttering "I don't know where that came from..."


David said...

So what about those of us who haven't seen/read Pride and Prejudice OR Bridget Jones?

meg said...

There's no hope. You're doomed to fail at everything in life.

I'm Over The Moon said...

That's my husband scuppered then.