Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

It's my birthday next week. At what point does that stop being exciting? Surely there must be some point when it just seems like another day. I remember my Grandma always answering the question "how old are you?" with a vaguely uninterested "oh, I don't know... what year is it?".

I'm going to be twenty-seven. That's a proper grown up age. It shouldn't be that exciting. It really shouldn't be punctuated by four separate celebrations (going to Avenue Q and a meal with my sisters yesterday, tea at the Savoy with my husband on Tuesday, work drinks on Thursday, and general drinks on Saturday).

I always assumed that women approaching thirty were meant to get depressed and sigh for their lost youth. I've heard people bemoaning the fact that they can't tick the '18-25' box on questionnaires anymore and are no longer eligible for a young person's railcard. But I'm genuinely quite excited about getting near to thirty. My ultimate goal in life is to be a cantankerous old woman, so every birthday brings me closer to that goal.

I hope I'm always excited by birthdays. I shall be the queen for the day and I love it.


Shizue said...

I actually forgot that it was our Birthday this week.

I think I stopped being excited a few years ago, and occassionally I misremember my age. Frankly, the moment I was over 21 it stopped being exciting. I think I won't get excited again until the big Three-O.

That's probably why you tend to end up organising our birthdays!

I'm Over The Moon said...

how dressy are we to be on saturday? BTW i'll come out after Strictly, no one moment before, so when i reach, i reach... oh, and can you arrange for it not to rain, i want to wear my satin shoes.

Shizue said...

I haven't bothered looking dressy for ages so I'm going full out.

That's if I can still find my makeup...

meg said...

I will probably be in jeans but will try to pick the spiders and dust off a nice top to go with it.

Pepps said...

Errrrrrrr, so who wore what??

Shizue said...

Moon! What happened? You were nowhere to be seen...

I'm Over The Moon said...

i sustained an SRI (shoe related injury) during Saturday daytime that prevented any shoe wearing that eveing or the next day, and required me to sulk my way through Monday in flat shoes. i was most unpleased.