Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Big Brother Bullying

Has the world gone mad? Are people really complaining to Ofcom about racist bullying in Big Brother? Have these people actually watching the programme?

For those of you, which I sadly suspect is the majority, who have not been watching the show, Shilpa (a Bollywood actress) is being picked on by Jo (from S Club 7), Danielle (a model) and - to a far lesser extent - by Jade (former Big Brother contestant). It's been your typical bitchy bickering that happens when people are bored and can't think straight, and they've given her a bit of a hard time. But Shilpa will live. We're talking about arguments over how long to cook a chicken for, not the systematic bullying of an eternal victim.

And as for racism, where has that come from? Yes, they laughed at how she pronounces Dirk's name, but equally Shilpa, Dirk and Jermaine constantly laugh at those in the house with English accents. Yes, Jackiey asked if Shilpa lives in a shack, but I'm guessing that she doesn't know too much about India and looked genuinely embarassed when Shilpa described her glamorous lifestyle. As far as I can see, there's no evidence of racism in the house at all, only ignorance. And a perfect example of that is Jade's ponderings on eskimos last night:

"How is it that they don't turn into icy-cubes? Because they don't have electricity or heating and their homes are made of ice. Why is it that when they close their eyes their eyes don't get stuck together? You know how dolphins talk? Do they talk like that? Will eskimos ever become extinct? Where do they go when they die? Because they can't bury them under the grass like we do....if there are any eskimos watching who would like to come and meet me and tell me about themselves, that would be really good."

Fantastic. Now that's telly.


Anonymous said...

Racism is a biased term intentionally weighted in favour of the immigrants, jewish in this case, who invented the concept. People who hate dogs don't hate dogs because they are dogs they hate dogs because they smell, bark all day or shit on the pavement. The term racism puts the blame on the victim. If I went to live in an igloo and offended all the eskimos would that be *their* problem? I don't think so.

meg said...

What a strange comment...

Anywho, I was watching it last night when Danielle said "I think she should fuck off back home". So, thank you, Danielle, for disproving my argument. It looks like there is an element of racism after all.

Still watching though.

Pepps said...

I just wrote a stonker of a comment, but the new Google-based log-in bollocks just lost it a FUCKED IT ALL UP!


What I basically said, but with added flare and nuts, was...

This scenario is a sham. There's no racism involved it's just because the fickies don't know their arses from their elbows and can't communicate in any other way than we see on Big Brother.
They can't help it; they're just raised to be fick, often by fick people.

As a Metro reader commented in yesterday's rag, the British public made this mess by allowing these ficko's to become celebrities in the first place, and all of a sudden the British public don't like it.
It's the same members of the public that started this mess (by buying Hello! magazine and all the other guff about "nobody celebs") who now stand up and call for an end to the "racist" comments being hurled about on the telly.

I'll say the same thing to you lot as I said to Mary Whitehouse, "Turn the telly off, you twat."

The longer the fascination with dumbass celebrity losers lasts, the longer all this arse is going to hang about - dripping steamy farts on everyone.

Seriously - stop watching it and it'll go away.
Stop buying "Oh My God, Look At Her Bum" magazine and it'll go away.

Watch Top Gear on BBC2 on January 28th and free your minds!

Pepps said...

My last comment didn't post...?

Pepps said...

...fool. Yes it did.

meg said...

Did you really say that to Mary Whitehouse?

I can't stop watching it... my bum is glued to my sofa and the telly automatically flicks to that channel no matter how hard I try to stop it. I did occur to me earlier today how strange it is that when it comes to books and films I see myself as a pretentious intellectual, but when it comes to telly I like Stenders and Big Brother. Weird.

I'm Over The Moon said...

Pepps, last time i bought Hello! it was to read the interview with Hammond...

So anyway, here's how bullying goes: one person who is usually not very bright, not very good looking, and has a generally unappealing personality focuses their resentment about feeling they don't come up to the standards they feel the world demands of them onto one person, and tries to establish a "higher status" for themselves by bringing down a person they associate with one of the qualities they lack. If said focus has a different accent, the bullying will be based on taking the piss out of the accent, if they're tall, it'll be about that. if they like different music or wear differnt style clothing, it'll be about that. Bully will then seek other inadequate people to back him or herself up, and these people form a sad, poisonous little band who congratulate each other that although they are virtual nothings themselves, and this bullied person is ostensibly better than them in many ways, they hold at least this one advantage over them. They gain ultimate success if they manage to get a lot of people scared enough that they will be a victim themselves that they either fail to call the bullies on their behaviour, or worse yet join in.
The problem for Jade & Co. is that it doesn't work if the larger group, in this case the public, can see all this going on from the outside, and if some people in the immediate group, in this case the house, are secure enough in themselves to have no truck with it.
i'm glad to see Jade taken down by own own foulness, it'll leave more space in 'Does My Bum Look Big In This Cos Beyonce's Does/Doesn't (dependent on what week it is)' magazine for pictures of shoes and Johnny Depp and other things we girls like. And if yopu've got a problem with that, Pepper old chum, well that just makes you a Sexist, doesn't it? And people will stone you in the street...

Pepps said...

Moon - sexist doesn't need a capital "s".

And please, go back and read again - I don't remember suggesting that all Big Brother voters are female. If you look back through the herstory of the show, you'll see that votes are split right across the board. Boys too share the need for tripe telly and sadly many of them spend 15p on a vote or two.