Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I'm just back from a holiday in Bruges: beer, chocolate and chips with everything. I have found my spiritual homeland.


Shizue said...

did you see the weeing boy?

meg said...

No. I think he'd been arrested.

Anonymous said...

The weeing boy is in Brussels.

Shizue said...

Well, I knew it began with 'B' and was vaguely teutonic.

Pepps said...

He's called the mannay piss or something isn't he?
I saw him - he's opposite Pepper's Cafe, oddly enough.
I went to see the jeunnay piss to, which was gross, and anyway I think that one's a fake. (Some girl taking a squat and immortalised in brass...honestly, just 'cause there's a lad doing it suddenly there has to be a doris to balance out the count for the hairy-lipped lady bunch.)