Monday, March 14, 2005


I always used to be sceptical of people who claimed to suffer from migraines. I thought it was just a pretentious way of saying you have a headache. I assumed they were the sort of people who take a day off for 'the flu' (yeah, right, you had influenza and it lasted a day...) or go to A&E because they've got a bruise.

But in my late teens I started having these really weird headaches that made me go dizzy and throw up. My doctor was infinitely helpful: "It's probably stress. Take some vitamin tablets." "But I do take vitamin tablets", "Well, there you go then!" and it was a couple of years before I was prescribed any medication. After several years of swallowing a whole range of gargantuan multi-coloured pills, I eventually found ones that work and have never looked back. I call them my happy pills, and they really do put me in such a good mood. It's a bit like when you're pissed and you get all silly and giggly. Believe me, if I wasn't an infinitely sensible human being, I'd be taking them every day. I have another set of pills that stop me being sick and, although they sometimes make me faint in a rather embarassing way on the tube, make me feel a million times better.

Recently, the migraines been getting further and further apart and I'm hoping that my hormones have finally realised that I'm not a spotty teenager anymore and are sorting themselves out. It would be great to turn a corner and stop getting them, but I'll really miss my happy pills!


I'm Over The Moon said...

Stockpile woman, stockpile! Failing that i have a little witchyness in a bottle that may help.....

Pepps said...

At last the truth...explains a lot mate.
Speaking of stockpiling, d'you fancy a night "on them"? We could go on the London Aye and all sorts! Then maybe have a beer, then maybe nick a roadcone, then maybe put it somewhere like on top of Nelson's head...then perhaps we could take it down again, um, and return it, and then just grab our nightbusses and go home.

Wouldn't that be great!?!

I'm Over The Moon said...

I found happy pills! Strefen for sore throats. coo they're floaty light..... i'm on em now and i can't concentrate for two minutes toge

Xax said...

Migraines are very real, and they tend to be different for each person. Mine begin as a little spot in my vision, and grow to a period of blindness and a day of pain. Every prescribed drug I've been given has been useless, but I found one that I can get over-the-counter (OTC). If you want more info on migraines, I suggest you go to the Mayo Clinic website: