Saturday, March 19, 2005


I would like to register a complaint. For our Christmas do at work we made little placecards with a picture of a famous looky-likey for each person. Yesterday one of my friends left work so we made her a t-shirt with all the pictures on aswell.

My complaint is as follows:

Why, when the other girls in the office got Uma Thurman, Madonna, Liv Tyler and Gwyneth Paltrow, did I get the little girl in Miracle on something something Street and Matilda? I'm a grown up!! I'm twenty five years old!!

Okay, so some of the others weren't best pleased with being Sharon from Eastenders or Narinda from Big Brother, but at least they're all voting age!

This is a serious blow to my credibility at work (previously, people called me by my surname and bowed to me in the corridor). I've had to put up with people telling me how cute I am and saying "are you really Thanta Clauth?". It's not funny. Not at all.


Pepps said...

Mate, it's your shoes...they're not pointy enough to make you look like a serious professional.

meg said...

I have pointy shoes!! Don't make libellous claims against me!

I'm Over The Moon said...

it's ok, you can use the power of your mind to flick biros at thier heads....