Sunday, November 26, 2006


I have a migraine. I've spent the last few hours in bed with the electric blanket on and a chillow (a pillow that's cold - obviously) under my head. I've reached a brief hiatus from my symptoms which I know from experience won't last long, but I thought I'd use the opportunity to get out of bed which is frankly boring after a while. My husband has banned me from watching television incase it makes me any more ill, so here I am with the laptop writing nonsensical e-mails to people and writing a Virgina Woolf-esque blog. I hate migraines. I feel sick. One side of my face is numb. And an alien being has hatched inside my head and is banging on my skull trying to get out.

Okay, time to stop writing shit and go back to bed...

1 comment:

I'm Over The Moon said...

if the tv makes you worse, the computer definitely will. i shall have no qualms about grassing you up to the fuzz next time we see him.