Friday, November 24, 2006

Raindrops on roses

I'm having one of those days where I had to literally drag myself into work. It took all my inner mettle to stop me from wrapping myself up in my duvet, sitting under the dining room table and rocking backwards and forwards until the day went away. So... on my way here I tried to think of nice things about the journey to work. They were:

1) Travelling with my husband. We actually managed to leave at the same time today, whereas every other day this week, he's been out the door when I'm still skulking about in my pyjamas.
2) Reading the Metro. Even if it is only for the letters and the cartoon.
3) Comedy TfL staff who put on a funny voice when saying "mind the doors".
4) Freebies. Today I was given a BAA bag containing a box of Fitness cereal, Aero bubbles, a tin of vegetable broth, hair gel, tissues and eye drops. hasn't worked. It's still a bloody awful day.


Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation (and I know it's not) I'm suffering the same malaise but without the freebies. However, last night I saw whole tubes of PINK smarties on sale in Sainsburys. My. God. Artificial colours ago-go!

Pepps said...

I had the same problem for much of last week, although I only went to work for 3 out of 5 days.
If I don't get to work enthused and before 10:00 everyday this week, I'm going to quit and sell my ass on the internet.

meg said...

Is your ass particularly valuable? Is he like Donkey out of Shrek?

Pepps said...

Sort of, but
is far better!

I'm Over The Moon said...

there are no artificial colours in smarties any more, which means you are allowed to shake children. it must be true, it was on the advert...